{ ++ } Each week, Rachel and Alison each feature one lucky blogger and the feature this week is Emma @ BelleBooks; Alison's is Valerie @ Stuck in Books. Everyone please head on over to their blogs, follow, and show them some love! It's a huge honor (I think!) to be featured.
Question of the Week
If you could write yourself a part in a book, what book would it be and what role would you play in that book?
{ ++ } Oh wow. Oh wow. GREAT question. It all depends on the book! I am drawn to all sorts of books - dystopian, where I'd love to be THE character rebelling and causing a fuss; fantasy, on a quest to save the world, or young adult paranormal and be a kick-ass werewolf. heehee.
But I think I'd write myself into a women's fiction book by someone like Jodi Picoult or Jennifer Weiner and be one of those characters who, through some trials and heartaches and adventures, becomes a better version of herself. Those are my heroines. :)
{ ++ } Hosted by Jennifer at Crazy-for-Books, what better way to allow us book bloggers to mix and mingle than a bit of a reading-related social? Every week she hosts this event, where we can throw our names in the hat so to speak, and hopefully end up with a few new friends who share our interests and our love (and in my case, obsession) of books. It's also a party and it's all in fun!
Question of the Week
What’s the LONGEST book you’ve ever read?
{ ++ } The final book in Stephen King's Dark Tower series - at once one of my favorite books ever, and also one of the few books I have ever hated. It's a bit of a paradox, I suppose, but this book clutched my heart tight,broke it, then slapped it back together haphazardly. There were so many moments when I cried, and at one point, I threw the book across the room vowing never to finish it. And yet there was a lot of beauty in it, too. I read it in 2004 and still have not had the courage to re-read it.
{ ++ } Happy weekend, everyone! Looking forward to seeing everyone's answers to these questions, if your participate, or heck, even if you don't. Leave me a link to your blog and your FF/Hop, or just answer in the comments! : )
{ ++ } Happy weekend, everyone! Looking forward to seeing everyone's answers to these questions, if your participate, or heck, even if you don't. Leave me a link to your blog and your FF/Hop, or just answer in the comments! : )