{ ++ } Each week, Rachel and Alison each feature one lucky blogger and the feature this week is Steph @ Steph Likes Books. Everyone please head on over to her blog, follow, and show them some love! It's a huge honor (I think!) to be featured.
Q. How has your reading habits changed since you were a teen?
{ ++ } When I was a pre-teen and teen, I was reading a LOT of young adult books, and as I got a little bit older, I was WAY WAY into sci-fi/fantasy. My tastes started to mature a little, branch out, and although I love both genres today still, over the years I've jumped over to this one or that one. I definitely push myself these days to read books that are out of my comfort zones, and I try to mix up what I read - ie not all fantasy on a huge stretch, not ten women's fiction in a row, etc, so that I'm always reading something different. I read a lot more genres now - urban fantasy, women's fiction, historical fiction, paranormal romance (BIG paranormal romance fan) but I DO still love sci-fi/fantasy and I am really partial to YA these days, which is a big change for me, since before Twilight (*gulps*) I hadn't read much YA in several years!
{ ++ } Hosted by Jennifer at Crazy-for-Books, what better way to allow us book bloggers to mix and mingle than a bit of a reading-related social? Every week she hosts this event, where we can throw our names in the hat so to speak, and hopefully end up with a few new friends who share our interests and our love (and in my case, obsession) of books. It's also a party and it's all in fun!
Q: Let’s talk crazy book titles! Highlight one or two (or as many as you like!) titles in your personal collection that have the most interesting titles! If you can’t find any, feel free to find one on the internet!
{ ++ } Hmmmm. I've got one I've never read called The Mercy of Thin Air. Then there's Patrick Rothfuss's The Name of the Wind, or Patricia Brigg's Steal the Dragon. But I think my favorite is still Robert Jordan's The Eye of the World.
The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and go, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth returns again. In the Third Age, an Age of Prophecy, the World and Time themselves hang in the balance. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow.
{ ++ } This is the first book in Jordan's Wheel of Time series, and though I could go on and ON about how much this series means to me (I cried when the author passed away) I will instead just encourage you to read it. : )