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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday - #36 - Top Ten Favorite YA Authors

{ ++ } Hosted by the girls over at The Broke and the Bookish, this meme features a different theme every week, and hey, it's Tuesday - we've got the rest of the week ahead of us.  We all need a little fun, and who doesn't love the challenge of ranking their top 10 anything...especially when it comes to books?!  I know I do, hence why I thought it'd be fun to participate, and spice things up a little!

October 16, 2012:
Top Ten Favorite Authors In X Genre 

{ 1 } Myra McEntire.  Probably NO surprise to anyone who visits my blog regularly.  Myra writes AMAZINGLY realistic and true-to-life characters, plus just swoon-worthy guys.  I'll take Michael or Kaleb ANY DAY.  No, seriously.  If she wants to loan one of them out to me for a day...  *coughs*  But her books are legitametly solid and wonderful, so do yourself a favor and check them out, okay?  Because they're addictive.  

Myra's novels:  Hourglass | Timepiece 

{ 2 } Leigh Bardugo.  Again, no surprise here.  Leigh has only written one book but it was a beautiful book.  Every word was meaningful, and every character interaction mattered and loaned something to the story.  And just, the characters were so inspiring and so strong.  And do I REALLY need to go into my epic love for Mal/Alina?  Okay, you convinced me.  Just look at the last picture here

Leigh's novel: Shadow and Bone

{ 3 } C.J. Redwine.  CJ's debut novel, Defiance rocked my world.  Defiance is dual narrative and BOTH of her lead characters are just made of awesome.  Rachel is SO SO strong and she just keeps enduring and growing and she's one of THE BEST examples today of an amazing YA heroine.  And Logan?  *SWOOOOONS* 

C.J's novel: Defiance

{ 4 } Stephanie Perkins.  Wow, if you guys don't know her novels...well.  *grins* Both ANNA and LOLA are just ten kinds of fabulous.  Stephanie does the teenage voice SO SO well and just has a way of completely drawing you in, heart and soul, into her novels and into her character's lives.  And. WELL.  ETIENNE, you guys.  

{ 5 } Suzanne Young.  These books that Suzanne writes...they make me cry.  And they make me shudder.  And they make me smile.  And they make me HOPE.  I LOVE LOVE LOVE Charlotte/Harlin.  I can't even go into the words to describe my experience reading this duology but I'll say after reading them, I'm a Suzanne fan for life.   

{ 6 } Tahereh Mafi.  Okay so truth: I've only read one of Tahereh's books but it was, well.  Are there REALLY any words at all to describe the gorgeousness that is Shatter Me, OR the amazing that is Adam and Juliette?  Nope.  Didn't think so.  Just read this book because...GAH.  

Tahereh's novels: Shatter Me | Destroy Me (novella) | Unravel Me (Jan 2013)

{ 7 } Kathleen Peacock.  Again, Kathleen has only had one novel out because she's a debut novelist but Hemlock.  Hemlock, Hemlock.  Oh how I LOVED this novel so so so much.  I cried my eyes out reading it and got incredibly attached to two of the characters, and one of the possible couples.  I've said it once and I'll say it again: this book blows Twilight out of the water and WILL make you forget about any other werewolves before these.  And coming from a person that believes Jacob Black was one of only two good things to come out of Twilight...that's sayin' a lot.  

Kathleen's novel: Hemlock

{ 8 } Andrea Cremer.  Confession: I have not yet read Bloodrose.  But I HAVE read Nightshade and Wolfsbane.  And I respect Andrea SO MUCH.  She writes intelligent, kick-ass lead females and she tells the story that NEEDS to be told, not the story her fans want.  That takes guts and I just, I admire her a lot.  

Andrea's books: Nightshade | Wolfsbane | Bloodrose

{ 9 } Lauren Oliver.  Again, not a surprise.  My FAVORITE Lauren book is always, always, always going to be Before I Fall, but her Delirium trilogy is so ground-breaking.  I adore her writing style and that she writes about things that REALLY REALLY matter.  Lauren is just fantastic.

Lauren's novels: Before I Fall | Delirium | Pandemonium | Requiem (upcoming)

{ 10 } There are so many others, so this is going to just be a bunch of honorable mentions: Wendy Higgins, Becca Fitzpatrick, Corrine Jackson, Jess Rothenberg - ALL worth a read, y'all!

Your turn!  What made YOUR Top Ten this week?  If you don't participate...who are YOUR favorite authors?