f0zKg0J4zFLYz-Yq0aednQVqREE Once Upon a Prologue: 100,000 Page Views Giveaway!
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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

100,000 Page Views Giveaway!

SO.  You guys are AWESOME, and Once Upon a Prologue recently surpassed 100,00 page views.  That's a HUGE milestone for me, so I just wanted to say "thank you," from the bottom of my heart!  I love y'all, and just really appreciate your coming back to visit, and commenting.  Please KEEP visiting, and watch soon for a follower/reader survey for how YOU can help improve my blog!

In the meantime...have a giveaway as my way of saying thank you!  Entering is easy - just be a follower.  Old AND new followers welcome.

a Rafflecopter giveaway