{ ++ } Hosted by the girls over at The Broke and the Bookish, this meme features a different theme every week, and hey, it's Tuesday - we've got the rest of the week ahead of us. We all need a little fun, and who doesn't love the challenge of ranking their top 10 anything...especially when it comes to books?! I know I do, hence why I thought it'd be fun to participate, and spice things up a little!
Top Ten Tuesday - June 26, 2012
Characters Who Remind Me of Myself
{ 1 } Anna from Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins. Anna is a little more of a "good girl" than I am - at times, even I was wondering if she was for real, yet I instantly fell for her, because even if I have my moments where the devil wins out over the angel, I try to at least somewhat maintain my reputation as a sweetheart.
{ 2 } Haven from Illuminate by Aimee Agresti. Haven is a total brain and also has a HUGE heart when it comes to the people that she cares about. I clicked with her within the first few pages of Illuminate, and throughout the book, I just grew to love her more and more.
{ 3 } Allie from Mercy by Jodi Picoult. While she grows a lot over the course of the novel, when Mercy starts, Allie is that character who does for others before she thinks of herself. While I'm not THAT selfless, I do tend to try to put others ahead of me when I can. I connected a lot with Allie, because she was in a relationship in the book where her partner took her for granted, and I read Mercy around the time I was ending that sort of a relationship, and realizing I deserved better.

{ 5 } Mac from Hemlock by Kathleen Peacock. Mac cares a heck of a lot about her family and friends, and even if she sometimes makes rash decisions to try to help them, or in defense of them, it's because she wants the best for them. I fell hard for Mac instantly, and I think it's because I saw a lot myself in her.
{ 6 } Alina from Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo. Alina is a sweet, self-aware girl, who nevertheless is in THAT place with a guy...she's the one in love with someone who she feels doesn't even see her in THAT way. I've been there a few times and reading S&B took me right back there, but I cheered for Alina as she found her way and found her merit and strength. It reminded me of my own journey.
{ 7 } Eleanor from Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard. Eleanor cracked me up with her feisty manner and her spirit. I think anyone who knows me well would definitely say that I've got some sass to me and that I am NOT as innocent as I look, and neither is Eleanor.
{ 8 } Leigh from Web of Dreams by VC Andrews. Leigh was sweet and trusting, dreamy, and a bit ethereal...fragile in some ways, but very strong in others. I fell in love with her in her book, even though it was finished by a ghostwriter when the original author passed on. I gravitated directly to Leigh and even now, I adore her.
{ 9 } Jo from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. I know I'm not alone in that I see a bit of myself in each of the March sisters, but I am SO a Jo. Stubborn, a writer, a dreamer, far too opinionated, never able to not speak up, wishing to be better. Oh, Jo.
{ 10 } Katy from Obsidian by Jennifer L Armentrout. Awww, Katy. I adored her SO MUCH. I know a lot of us identified with her because she's a book blogger and a wonderfully awesome nerd. I also loved her fight and her spirit and saw some of me in her!
Your turn! What characters did you choose that remind you of you in real life? Or, what characters remind you of people you know?
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