{ ++ } Hosted by the girls over at The Broke and the Bookish, this meme features a different theme every week, and hey, it's Tuesday - we've got the rest of the week ahead of us. We all need a little fun, and who doesn't love the challenge of ranking their top 10 anything...especially when it comes to books?! I know I do, hence why I thought it'd be fun to participate, and spice things up a little!
June 19: Top Ten Books On My Summer TBR List
{ 1 } My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick. I feel like I've been waiting on this book for FOREVER. It just...does it sound silly to say it CALLS to me? Ever since I first read the title, gazed at the beautiful cover, and read the gorgeous synopsis, I've known that I NEED this book in my life. I've read a few glowing, early reviews and I cannot wait to purchase a copy of it.
{ 2 } Something Like Normal by Trish Doller. Again, with the books that just...reach out to you and say, "Molli, you HAVE TO READ ME." Do books talk to y'all like that? No? Wait, why are you looking at me so strangely? But seriously, this one seems SUPER emotional and I just, I need it. I need to read it for myself. I adore YA contemporary and I cannot wait for this one.

{ 4 } If I Lie by Corrine Jackson. How can I describe my need to read this one? Quinn's struggle sounds so heart-wrenching. YA contemps - for me - are usually incredibly emotional reads and this one just looks amazing.
{ 5 } While He Was Away by Karen Schreck. Another contemporary read (seeing a pattern here?) that sounds FABULOUS: incredibly poignant and moving. I've read several guest posts from Karen at other friend's blogs and she seems so amazing, and I cannot wait to meet her characters.
{ 6 } Defiance by C.J. Redwine. Another instant love affair once I saw the cover and read the synopsis, which sounds absolutely amazing. And how FIERCE does the main character, Rachel, sound? I have an ARC of this one sitting on my desk and absolutely cannot WAIT to start it soon.

{ 8 } In Honor by Jessi Kirby. (I'm seeing another trend here: military books.) I haven't read many "road trip" books, but the ones I HAVE read, I have really loved. (SAVING JUNE!) In Honor sounds really gripping, with the potential to have a huge emotional impact. I NEED IT.
{ 9 } When You Were Mine by Rebecca Serle. Funny story about this one. I downloaded an e-ARC through Galley Grab. Then I won a physical ARC in a giveaway. Then my awesome friend Suz at A Soul Unsung sent me an e-copy. So you would think I've read this book, right? Wrong. SIGH. I have let it slip through the cracks more than once. BUT. It is DEFINITELY on my summer TBR, considering Suz loved it enough to send it to me!
{ 10 } Scorch by Gina Damico. I know I'm cheating a bit since this one doesn't come out until September, but I'll likely be reading it in July/August in order to do an ARC giveaway after so I WILL read it this summer. I ADORED Croak - it was VERY quirky and reminded me of a cross between Dead Like Me and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, so I REALLY cannot wait to devour Scorch.
Well, that's MY Top Ten can't-wait-to-read-them OMG IS IT SUMMER YET list. What about y'all? This was one of the most fun Top Ten's for me - I got to squee over all the upcoming books I can't wait to read....and I realized (again) how much I love YA contemporary fiction!
Be sure to leave me links to YOUR Top Ten, or just let me know in the comments what they are! Happy reading, y'all!
Be sure to leave me links to YOUR Top Ten, or just let me know in the comments what they are! Happy reading, y'all!
I've been waiting for My Life Next Door for forever, too! Just everything about that book makes me want to read it! Actually, I feel that way about a few of the books on your list!
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