Today I am thrilled to have author Zorida Cordova on the blog for an interview! Zoraida is the debut author of the fabulous novel, The Vicious Deep, which I recently read and rather adored. I really hadn't read many mermaid novels until this year, but I LOVE what Zoraida has done - she's really put a lot of heart and soul into The Vicious Deep, into developing the mythos and the fascinating characters. If you don't believe me, you can check out my review here, then dive on into my interview with her!
Zoraida Córdova was born in Guayaquil, Ecuador, where she learned to speak English by watching Disney’s The Little Mermaid and Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker on repeat. Her favorite things are sparkly like merdudes, Christmas, and New York City at night.
For more on Zoraida, visit her here: Website | Twitter | Facebook
Then go on over to Goodreads to add The Vicious Deep to YOUR TBR!
Author Interview: Zoraida Cordova
OUAP: What did you learn about writing that you didn't know before you wrote The Vicious Deep?
ZC: Killing your darlings. I've seen other writers say this, but I always
thought "NO WAY NOT ME." But in the end, to get a leaner, stronger
novel, you have to do just that. Self-editing is important.

OUAP: What made you want to write from a male's POV?
ZC: I've always wanted to write about a guy who goes through all the changes. It's pretty fun.
OUAP: Why mermaids, instead of other mythical creatures?
ZC: I've had a love of mermaids since I was little. There's so much left to explore and I want to make my discoveries known.
OUAP: What is the main reason you write YA?
ZC: I don't want to grow up. (Molli's note: I LOVE this answer!!!)
OUAP: Do you read for pleasure? If so, what are a few books that have come to mean a lot to you?
OUAP: Do you read for pleasure? If so, what are a few books that have come to mean a lot to you?
ZC: I have less time to read for pleasure lately. But my favorite books are A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray and Tithe by Holly Black.
OUAP: Was there ever a moment you KNEW you were a writer, or was it something you always knew?
ZC: We were given an assignment in junior high to write a three page short
story. I ended up writing 21 pages. Once I started it just kept GOING. I
KNEW it wasn't done. So I kept writing.
Thanks to Zoraida for doing the interview and to the amazing folks at Source Books for letting me be part of the Bloggers of the Deep Tour!
Thanks to Zoraida for doing the interview and to the amazing folks at Source Books for letting me be part of the Bloggers of the Deep Tour!