Name one book that you hope never, ever, ever gets made into a movie (no matter how good that movie might be).
{ ++ } Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series. Simply put the series is too intricate and complicated and massive to ever get a movie formula right. Add into the mix that however diligently the powers that be tried, I don't believe they could ever truly cast so many of the characters...Mat, Rand, Perrin...Elayne, Aviendha... Everyone has their "dream cast" - I know I have mine, and just the few I've cast has about broken my brain. ;) And just the sheer scope of the world building, the details, we'd be looking at at least two trilogies, and well, I want to keep my memories of the series sacred, contained in the pages. I read the series (the 11th book had just came out when I actually got there) with two of my best friends several years back, and am hoping to do an epic series re-read next year!
{ ++ } Everyone have a fantastic evening! I am off to watch Bones and savor a cup of hot tea!